Thursday, 9 February 2017

Self reflection

6th February  2017 to 8th February 2017

    In this week I completed my last lesson "climate change is not hysteria-it's a fact". This lesson was actually a speech delivered at the UN climate summit.After teaching this lesson I moved on to activities such as preparation of notice, poster making and preparation of E-mail etc.Then I took grammar portions:relative clause,active and passive voice etc.Our reaching practice ended on 8th February 2017.
        I learned a lot about teaching after this course.In my view teaching is like a performing art.No amount of reading or attending workshops will prepare you for the challenge. You only get better with practice.

Thursday, 2 February 2017

Innovative lesson

Name of the teacher : Neenu Das
Name of the school.  : GHSS Vallikeezhu
Name of the subject. : English
Name of the Unit.  : Dawn of hope                                
Name of the lesson.   : The last leaf'


Student will read and discuss the short story The last leaf' by O Henry. Students will achieve a better understanding of the story by learning literary devices and terms used for analyzing stories. They  will also learn how to analyse the relationship between the characters and events in the story by using these literary devices.

 Pre- reading exercises

To introduce this lesson I presents a chart showing some famous quotes related with friendship.

Bend- Becomce Curved


Ivy Vine - Parasitic Plant

Appartment - Flat

To introduce the difficult words : bend,apartment and ivy vine I used some pictures and gave the situations to get the right meaning.

Post reading exercise
I gave interesting activities based on my lesson such as word web,word pyramid,jumbled words etc.
 Assignment works: preparation of greeting card,preparation of comic strip and collection of adds from the news paper

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Innovative lesson(1)

Innovative lesson plan no:1

Name of the teacher: Neenu Das
 Name of the school. : G.H.S.S Vallikeezhu
Name of the subject  : English
Name of the lesson.   : The making of a scientist
Innovation.                : comic strip

            General objectives

_enable students to develop and use innovative and good practice
_provide advice and mentioning to enable students to realise their goal
_encourage dissemination and sharing of good practice

             Specific Objectives

The learners
                     _to tell a complex story with the help of few images
                    _to identify the characters to form the basis for sketches
                  _to comment and provoke thoughts on events and issues in the strip